Bridge Into Healing

We’ve all got a story that we carry with us as we move through life. While our stories are constantly evolving, and thus can sometimes feel lighter and other times weigh heavier, they make us who we are. Yoga helps us to strip down to the essence of our narratives and reach the cores of our being. So, in times of heaviness, yoga is a very powerful way of lightening our load. 
How do we nourish ourselves when we are in a state of stress? How do we devote energy inward when our minds and bodies are suffering from anxiety, PTSD, or depression? Sometimes, all it takes is giving ourselves permission to relax. Simply allowing our bodies to rest and restore is the best practice.
One very effective means of allowing this rest is in Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, or Restorative Bridge Pose. Also known as a supported back bend, this pose bridges the gap between our inner selves and our outer worlds, connecting us to our bodies, the earth below us, and the space around us. This pose is a heart opener, which releases emotional blockages and constriction around the heart space, soothing our central nervous system and calming our minds. It is a very powerful pose in reducing levels of depression, anxiety, and even insomnia.  
1. Begin by laying two bolsters vertically on your mat. Then, place two folded blankets above your mat to support the head and neck. 
2. Lay atop the bolsters, Placing an optional strap around the bolster and your shins for an added sense of security. 
3. Lay back on the bolsters, positioning the space where your shoulder blades kiss at the very top of the bolster. Let your shoulders come to the floor. Place your arms out to the side, pulling your outer arm bones down towards the floor with your palms to the ceiling. 
4. Allow your body to sink into gravity, opening your chest and heart space. Rest here for 5-15 minutes. This is where you are able to reorganize your nervous system, freeing emotional blockages around the area of your heart, and maybe even throat. Try to notice if there is any constriction, then soften and release, sending a deep breathe from the front to the back of the heart. 
By nourishing ourselves in times of stress, we use self-care as healthcare.