Paschimottanasana: Restore and Reawaken

In the interest of shedding our winter layers, Paschimottanasana, or seated forward bend, is the perfect pose to restore and rebalance the body. It allows the mind and body to rest, which is an important component to self-healing, clearing out old energy, and reawakening to a new state of being.


1. Place a folded blanket on your mat to sit on. This helps your pelvic floor tip forward so you’re not sagging in your lower back.

2. Place two blocks on either side of your legs, just outside each knee. You can either place these vertically for added support, or horizontally for a deeper stretch. Rest a bolster on top of the blocks, so it sits horizontally across your knees.

3. On your inhalation, raise your arms toward the sky, and on your exhalation, slowly release down toward your knees. Be sure to lengthen your torso as you lower onto the bolster.

4. Once you’ve lowered to the bolster, you can fold your arms, resting your forehead on top of your hands. Breathe deeply into this pose. Notice any areas of tightness or tension in your lower back or hamstrings, and see if you can release a bit more.

5. For an even deeper supported stretch, find a partner to sit with their back against yours, and slowly lower down to lay against your back. This will be a heart opener for them, and a restorative pose for you.

Benefits of the pose:

  • Calms the brain 
  • Relieves stress and anxiety 
  • Stretches spine, shoulders and hamstrings 
  • Improves digestion


*If you have spinal disc injuries or sciatica, consider avoiding this pose.