What’s a Mandala?

“Mandala” is the Sanskrit term for “circle.” It refers to the shape of the mandala, which includes intricate details within a concentric design. There are no two mandalas alike – each is unique and beautiful in its own way. This mirrors the spiritual goals of the mandala, which are to serve and support all of us on our own individual journey through universal connection.
We use the mandala primarily as a form of meditation. We may begin by setting an intention that will guide us toward our highest good. Then, as we focus our intention onto the mandala, we begin to feel mesmerized by its intricacies. These visual elements captivate our minds, and put cluttered thoughts to rest. Once our minds are calm, our intuition and spiritual guidance may present themselves. Here, we are able to experience heightened awareness and a more enlightened state. 
Because every mandala is unique, each design may evoke different emotions. I found one of my favorites (pictured above) on the wall at Food Harmonics in Ojai, created by artist Anastarr. Below it is written “I am the elixir of life and longevity in its purest and rawest form. A molecule of joy, strength and exhilaration, I am as equally elevated as I am grounded in the steady heart rhythm of the powerful beating sun as I transmute stagnancy into gold and reach my highest potential.” To me, this mandala embodies simple joy and peace. We are all invited to find mandalas that resonate with our own individual spiritual journeys.